Tuesday, November 1, 2011

Special Delivery

Writer’s block.  I can’t figure out how to start this entry.  Nothing profound or clever is coming to mind.  The reason for this may be partially due to the fact that I didn’t get to eat any of what I made.  I was making a meal for a couple who just had a baby and decided it would be a good opportunity to make more recipes from the cookbook.  I can’t tell you how they turned out as far as taste, but they smelled and looked good!


Pineapple Casserole (p. 65, top one)
Green Beans with Tomatoes (p.77)
Ruth’s Chris Potatoes (p. 80)
World’s Best Pork Loin (p.165)
Storebought Mini Boule

The easiest recipe was the Ruth’s Christ Potatoes, but that was because I had made it for our family the day before and made enough for both meals at that one time.  So, I guess I did eat one thing I made. . .and it was quite delicious.

The pork was very simple to prepare and smelled fantastic.  I almost cut some off to taste it, but I showed restraint and saved it all for my friends.  I love that this recipe is  prepared and cooked inside aluminum foil as it made clean-up super easy.  This would be a good dish to fix on a Sunday morning, especially if your oven can be timed to turn on at a certain time. 

The pineapple casserole was also easy to make.  I lined my baking dish with foil so that I could lift and transfer the casserole to a disposable container.  I have started using disposable containers when I take meals to people so they don’t have to worry about washing and returning extra dishes.  I know many of you do that already, as I have experienced your generosity and fabulous cooking!  But back to the casserole.  The recipe says to mix pineapple, 5 T. sugar, flour, sugar, etc.  However, it should read “mix pineapple, 5 T. juice, flour, sugar”, etc.  After it baked and cooled, I lifted it out and put it into a different container.  It worked beautifully. 

The last thing I prepared were the green beans.  The mixture looked quite lovely and colorful.  It is always a pleasant change to have a fresh, new way to prepare a standard food.  I wrote instructions on how to heat up the food on the lids of the containers.  Hopefully, they were able to enjoy the foods almost as if they were right out of the oven.  I have seen the couple since, and they look fine, so at least I know I didn’t poison them.  And for those of you who are so faithful in serving others through meal preparation, thank you!  Your labor of love does not go to waste---(there is a pun in there somewhere. . .)!

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